Friday, August 1, 2014
Root Beer Float Oreos
Well, it would appear the folks at Oreo have done it again. Churning out weird and wacky flavors, they seem to have struck gold on a real gem. Root Beer Float Oreos. At first it seems like a strange flavor, but we have faith in these.
While we haven't had the opportunity to try them, a couple of things point to these being good. First, the composition of the Oreo itself. Simply put, it's a golden Oreo, with what appears to be half root beer and half ice cream filling. Unlike the similar Banana Split Oreos, we have faith for these because neither flavor will overwhelm the other.
Secondly, the nostalgia. As far as taste goes this shouldn't be a deciding factor, yet it still is an important part. They will most likely evoke the feel of the 50's and 60's, where soda parlors were all the rage. Again, the nostalgia does nothing to help the taste, any time you can bite into food and it transports you somewhere else, it's guaranteed to be good.
In the end, we can't write a tell-all article on these, because we haven't had a chance to try them. Root beer flavored things usually suck, or they're super good. It's a hit or miss kind of thing. For many, it will bring a sense of childhood innocence, and for others it will do nothing for them. either way you have to pat Nabisco on the back for breaking the mold and trying new things.
Friday, July 25, 2014
The Coffee Catastrophe
As you may or may not know, I was offering free cupcakes (courtesy of Blooms and Batter) and coffee all this week. However, I ran into a huge problem. Okay, maybe a big problem. Alright, alright, it was a little problem, but a problem nonetheless. When deciding what coffee flavor tasted the better, and which one I would serve the public, I remembered one little detail. I don't like coffee.
While I know some of you are gasping, let me elaborate. I understand that coffee is supposed to be this miracle drink that energizes you and works little beams of light into your day. In a lot of households, the mom and/or dad start off their morning with a steaming cup of joe. Or two. Or 3. Or 4. Sometimes even the whole pot. Yet somehow, for some reason, I've never been able to stand it
Perhaps it's the harsh taste, the fact that there are million ways to drink it and so little time to find out what I like, or maybe it's just my tastebuds. All I know is I don't like coffee. Yet I choked down different flavors in an effort to find the best tasting one. Okay, that's an exaggeration.
In the end, I'd consider the free treats a success. Most people like coffee, and when you add cupcakes it's a winning pair. Even though I don't like coffee, I can see the reasons many people do. Hopefully everyone enjoys the flavor I picked. I just don't remember what it was, they all taste the same :-)
Friday, July 18, 2014
The Six (Subjective) Worst Flavors Of Oreos
Not too long ago we did an article on the best flavors of Oreos. Now, we venture to the darker side. The worst flavors of Oreos. If you didn't think it was possible for there to be a bad flavor of Oreo, we have news for you. Read on if you dare.
1. Berry Burst. While some believed these to be a repackaged Strawberry Milkshake Oreo, we don't see it. The pungent odor of- well, we're not sure what it is, but it smells nasty, gives these no points. Add in the cloying, over sweet taste and you have this abomination
2. Limeade. Okay, there are lemon Oreos. That's good. More people drink lemonade than limeade for a reason. It doesn't sound right. It's not right. This is a perfect example of quitting while you're ahead
3. Watermelon. If you haven't noticed, there's a pattern here. We don't want fruit filling, we want Oreos. these mislead you all the way into thinking you accidentally ate a golden Oreo with Hubba Bubba in the middle
4. Fruit Punch. Kool Aid. This disgusting "cookie" tastes like two golden Oreos, but the cream was injected with Kool Aid. Disgusting. To each their own, but I doubt anyone is really fond of them
5. Banana Split Creme Oreo. While I don't like any of the Oreos on this list, these are one of the worst offenders. I can still taste and smell the overwhelming banana-ness. Shudder.
6. Ice Cream Rainbow Sure, Bert!
If there was any doubt that number 6 is a loser, just look at the name. It looks like it tried too hard to be cute and endearing, but wound up sad and depressing. The flavor is nasty. the cookie is nasty. It failed. While everybody has different tastebuds, surely you can see where I'm coming from on some of these. Right?
Friday, July 4, 2014
Five Reasons Oreos Have Stood The Test Of Time
There's no dancing around it, Oreos are amazing. Constantly introducing fresh flavors and concepts, while still being enjoyed by people all around the world, Oreos remain a staple in many households. Let's look at five reasons Oreos have stood the test of time.
1. They're a classic. Since their introduction, which included a lemon flavor, the classic chocolate and creme cookie has remained a classic. The cookie remains largely unchanged, except a tweaking of the recipe allowing them to become kosher.
2. They taste good. While we agree that this is subjective, many agree that they taste divine. Many have tried- and failed to emulate the flavor.
3. You can eat them anyway you want. Twist them, dunk them, or just scarf them. All up to you.
4. They're convenient. It's easy to reach in a package and grab a couple Oreos. Or twenty. We won't judge. In all seriousness, they make a great on the go snack.
In last place, but possibly most importance: 5. They're milk's favorite cookie. Just this should re-evaluate your opinion on them. Chocolate chip cookies, move aside. Oreo sits in its rightful spot. Of course, people will disagree. That's natural, everyone has different tastes. However for those of us who enjoy them, it's plain to see why Oreos have stood the test of time.
Friday, June 27, 2014
The Six (Subjective) Best Flavors Of Oreos
some people are traditionalists, and only like the tried and true,
others are anything but. To celebrate this originality, we're going to
have a countdown of the six (subjective) best Oreo flavors. Why not grab
a couple right now? Because your mouth will be watering
6. Strawberry Milkshake Oreo: Some people might have bought them for the intriguing name and ended up loving them, or felt betrayed. These were really just Oreos with plain strawberry frosting and a fancy name. Nevertheless, they tasted really good. if the opportunity arises, pick up a pack.
5. Oreo Marshmallow Crispy Creme: These are amazing, due to the simple fact that it tastes just like a Rice Krispy treat, with an Oreo esque twist. The name put me off at first, but they're actually quite good
4. Cool Mint Creme Oreo: These double stuff Oreos with a minty filling manage a delicate balance between the two, where neither flavor overpowers the other. Of course we just licked the crème off and ate the cookie part separately, so we might not be the best authority.
3. Oreo Fudge Cremes: While some might debate whether or not these count, they're almost like a thin mint version of Oreos. A thin wafer with crème, covered in delicious chocolate. It bears the Oreo name, it passes our test.
2. Peanut Butter Oreo: In the same vain as the Cool Mint Creme, these are a double stuffed Oreo with peanut butter crème. They compliment each other perfectly.
1. Original: As mentioned, some love the tried and true, and it's easy to see why. This classic flavor has stood the test time, with few changes. No one has quite pulled off an imitation, many have tried and failed.
Of course, all of this is subjective. Some flavors people love, others will hate. However, there are enough flavors to please every palette, guaranteeing we can all enjoy these sandwich cookies in harmony.
6. Strawberry Milkshake Oreo: Some people might have bought them for the intriguing name and ended up loving them, or felt betrayed. These were really just Oreos with plain strawberry frosting and a fancy name. Nevertheless, they tasted really good. if the opportunity arises, pick up a pack.
5. Oreo Marshmallow Crispy Creme: These are amazing, due to the simple fact that it tastes just like a Rice Krispy treat, with an Oreo esque twist. The name put me off at first, but they're actually quite good
4. Cool Mint Creme Oreo: These double stuff Oreos with a minty filling manage a delicate balance between the two, where neither flavor overpowers the other. Of course we just licked the crème off and ate the cookie part separately, so we might not be the best authority.
3. Oreo Fudge Cremes: While some might debate whether or not these count, they're almost like a thin mint version of Oreos. A thin wafer with crème, covered in delicious chocolate. It bears the Oreo name, it passes our test.
2. Peanut Butter Oreo: In the same vain as the Cool Mint Creme, these are a double stuffed Oreo with peanut butter crème. They compliment each other perfectly.
1. Original: As mentioned, some love the tried and true, and it's easy to see why. This classic flavor has stood the test time, with few changes. No one has quite pulled off an imitation, many have tried and failed.
Of course, all of this is subjective. Some flavors people love, others will hate. However, there are enough flavors to please every palette, guaranteeing we can all enjoy these sandwich cookies in harmony.
Friday, June 20, 2014
A Different Side to The Wedding World
Although the wedding industry can seem like a strict, no fun zone at times, the conversation I had tonight proves that it is anything but. Recently, my friend announced that she was engaged, so some fellow professionals and I joined together..... In planning her wedding for her. Fun and hijinx commenced, and I'm sure everyone was laughing by the end.
At one point she announced that her colors were slate gray and Terra cotta, and that the theme would be branches and twigs. All this leaves me wondering how I would put it on a cookie. A dear friend began sorting out a location, cake, centerpieces.... Even the tuxedo! By the end, every detail of our mock wedding was sorted out.
As you can see, although the wedding world does consist of professionals who take their jobs very seriously, we know how to have fun too. I've met many great people through networking meetings, people who I can trade services- and stories, with. I would have never thought that these business acquaintances would be people I would eventually joke around with on Facebook.
The conversation lasted well around an hour, leaving all of us with a stitch in our sides, and I'm sure one very confused and overwhelmed fiance. It seems trivial, or almost silly, but this moment with fellow professionals taught me two things: One, God forbid any of our friends announce an engagement on Facebook, lest our inner professional come out. However, the second thing I learned is more important. During these networking meetings, I've met friends. Real friends, not acquaintances. People who care about me. Of course, they're always there if I need a buddy for hijacking a post as well. To me, that's invaluable.
Friday, June 13, 2014
Six Strange Uses For Oreos
While Oreos seem like a normal, albeit delicious, cookie at first glance, they're much more than that. Much, much more. Versatile may seem like a strange word to describe these cookies, but it's fitting. Below, you'll find six strange, but pretty cool uses for Oreos
1. You can use them as earrings. I know it's strange, but it's an amazing idea. If you don't mind birds (or even humans) nibbling at your earrings, then this could be the fashion statement you need
2. You can stuff them into a chocolate chip cookie. Personally, I've never tried it, but it sounds delicious.
3. You can use them in your crafts. Endless possibilities exist, the limit is your own imagination.
4. You can use them in brownies. Another one I've never tried, but the idea sprang into my head today. Crush up some Oreos and put them into your batter. This isn't limited to the standard Oreos either, you could use any variant as long as it sounds good
5. Deep fry them. Ever had a burning need to eat fair food all year round? Break out the deep fryer and cook them to golden perfection. If that's your thing
6. Eat them. You got me, it's not unusual, whacky, zany, strange, or anything else you want to call it. However, in my humble opinion, it may be the best. Oreos were made for eating, and eating is what should be done with them.
As you can see, there's a myriad of uses for Oreos, and even more I didn't mention. Using them in recipes or crafts is just the tip of the iceberg. Even if all you do is eat them, they're still milk's favorite cookie, and the possibilities are limited to your imagination
Friday, May 23, 2014
5 Reasons to Try Chocolate Covered Oreos
Of course I'm going to try to sell my product. It's what people who own businesses do. However, I can honestly and truthfully give you 5 reasons why you should try my chocolate covered Oreos.
1. You have nothing to lose. It's an Oreo. Covered in chocolate. It's delicious, and that's not just me talking. You're on a diet? Surely you can allot yourself one tiny cookie. Right?
2. It's different. Everybody eats cookies. Gourmet chocolate covered cookies? That's a whole new ballgame. You get bragging rights about trying something new, and can enjoy a delicious treat. What's not to love?
3. They make great treats for parties. Of any kind, really. Weddings, birthdays, Mothers Day. If it involves a party, chocolate covered Oreos should be on the guest list.
4. They're milks favorite, favorite, favorite cookie. The saying goes that Oreos are milks favorite cookie, so add extra chocolate and that's 3 times as true, right? It's a stretch. I say we go with it.
5. Okay, so there's no real fifth reason besides the fact that I want you to. They're delicious, they have chocolate, they're gourmet, and they're made with love. Party favors, decorations, treats, alternatives to traditional cakes? Chocolate covered Oreos can fill all these roles and more. What are you waiting for, pick some up today. :)
Friday, May 16, 2014
Perks Of Owning Your Own Business
At first glance, their doesn't seem to be much incentive to run your own business. It's time consuming, it can be hard to get it up and running, and you're responsible for any mistakes. However, it's undeniable that there are perks (including the potential to work in your pajamas, if that's your thing.) Let's look at some of them
1. You are your own boss. Probably my favorite perk. Everything in your company is up to you for the most part. How it's run, what hours you work, how you schedule things. This is the fundamental reason for having your own business, while also tying hand in hand with some of the other reasons.
2. You can get creative. The world is your oyster, and you can implement ideas as you see fit. What you're doing doesn't seem right? Tear it down and start again. As far as what you can design, there are no rules
3. You're on your own schedule. Making something doesn't seem appealing today? You'd rather spend time with your family? Perfectly possible when running your own business.
4. You can do things YOUR way. Without a boss telling you what do, there's no pressure. All that matters is that you and your customers are satisfied with the end result.
5. You can go outside the norm. This synchronizes perfectly with number 2 and 4. Get your creative juices flowing.
6. You can choose your own hours. Often times, when I have trouble falling asleep, I get up and go to work. If I want to get my work done early and have the rest of the day off, that's possible
As you can see, running a business has irrefutable benefits, but it's not for everyone. You have to discipline yourself. You are the only one representing your business. You have to believe in your product to sell it. If you've always had a vision in your head, maybe it's time to make it a reality. You don't particularly work well with others? Maybe being the only one working is the right thing for you. Whatever you decide to do, the sky's the limit.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Networking Meetings And Why They Matter
Networking meetings, such as Indy Wedding Ideas, Perfect Wedding Guide, Indianapolis Wedding Professionals Network, etc. are invaluable for small businesses. They offer an unmatched way to connect, chat, and collaborate with like-minded professionals. Here are the top six reasons (in my eyes) to participate in one of these meetings.
1. The conversation. Human communication is invaluable, and when that includes discussing things relevant with your business, or just catching up, talking face to face about it is nice.
2. The people. Although these two may seem obvious, they go hand and hand. Networking meetings offer an opportunity to talk to people you don't usually get to see, or meet those you've never talked to before.
3. The experience. Networking meetings provide an all around good experience, both due to what's already been mentioned above, and the fact that you're doing just what the name implies: Networking with other professionals. Not to mention, some of these places are breathtaking. All these pictures are of Union Station. The setting as well as the food are amazing, meaning not only does this provide a great venue for a networking meeting, but for a bridal event as well
4. The tips. Networking meetings often include a talk with any myriad of guests, chock full of ways to help you run and manage your business, or expand it and get it out there
5. The lunch. no matter what list it's on, it deserves an honorable mention.
Finally, the sixth and final tip: The business. It's a fact that you will get more business from a fellow professional, than from brides or bridal shows. Networking meetings provide a fun and functional way to expand your horizons.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Lies Of The Wedding World
Believe it or not, lies
abound in the wedding world. People seem to prefer the view that it's a
glittery, perfect world, full of glitz and glamor. At times, nothing
could be further from the truth. Let's look at some of the top lies of
the wedding world.
1. Jobs are easy. Some jobs are understandably hard. Wedding planning, making the dress. However others (making treats or bouquets) may be more misunderstood. It seems simple enough. Some mixing here, some dipping there, some coating all around, and maybe a dash of cooking. It's hard. It's not glamorous. It's hot, it's labor intensive. I have a need to get it right, and if I don't, it's back to the drawing board.
2. It's your day. There's a reason those screaming, over perfecting brides are known worldwide as Bridezillas. No one likes working with them. It's fine if you want the special day to be special, but it's not all about you. The fact that your guests (and especially your significant other) are happy is just as important
3. Everything has to be just right. I'd like to believe this just as much as you, but nothing's perfect. Thing will go unexpectedly. Take a deep breath, view it with new eyes, and embrace it. Perfection is overrated, and the unique, zany moments are what people will remember. Don't stress, it will work out.
Finally, the last, and one of the biggest lies:
4. You need to spend tons of money on your wedding for it to be good. A wedding on a budget is doable. You don't need the fanciest silverware and china. That DJ who offers more song choices than the last when you don't really need those options anyway isn't crucial. The most important thing to remember is that your wedding matches your vision. Collaborate with your spouse and discuss your options. It may be better than anything you could have dreamed of.
1. Jobs are easy. Some jobs are understandably hard. Wedding planning, making the dress. However others (making treats or bouquets) may be more misunderstood. It seems simple enough. Some mixing here, some dipping there, some coating all around, and maybe a dash of cooking. It's hard. It's not glamorous. It's hot, it's labor intensive. I have a need to get it right, and if I don't, it's back to the drawing board.
2. It's your day. There's a reason those screaming, over perfecting brides are known worldwide as Bridezillas. No one likes working with them. It's fine if you want the special day to be special, but it's not all about you. The fact that your guests (and especially your significant other) are happy is just as important
3. Everything has to be just right. I'd like to believe this just as much as you, but nothing's perfect. Thing will go unexpectedly. Take a deep breath, view it with new eyes, and embrace it. Perfection is overrated, and the unique, zany moments are what people will remember. Don't stress, it will work out.
Finally, the last, and one of the biggest lies:
4. You need to spend tons of money on your wedding for it to be good. A wedding on a budget is doable. You don't need the fanciest silverware and china. That DJ who offers more song choices than the last when you don't really need those options anyway isn't crucial. The most important thing to remember is that your wedding matches your vision. Collaborate with your spouse and discuss your options. It may be better than anything you could have dreamed of.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Beautiful Brides of the Wedding World
An inevitable part of
working in the wedding industry, is of course meeting brides. While at
first glance it may seem like every one of them is the same, this
couldn't be farther from the truth. There's one bride, in particular,
I'd like to talk about, but first, let's look at some of the other
1. The Classic Bride. They value timeless weddings, and are highly partial to the classic white wedding dress and other themes prevalent in classic weddings.
2. The Creative Bride. Throw any pre-conceived notion of what you thought a wedding should look like out the window, because the creative bride will flip that on its head and turn it upside down. Their wedding will most likely be flashy and inventive, even eclectic to some.
3. The Modern Bride. Modern Brides live in the here and now. Cutting edge and sophisticated are perfect words to describe their wedding
4. The Nature Bride. In their eyes, anything that gets them closer to the outdoors is great for their wedding. Earthy tones may be present, and they may even walk around barefoot.
5. The Anti Bride. A distant cousin to the Creative Bride, Anti Brides are determined that their wedding be the complete opposite of what a classic wedding should look like. Black dress, dark colors, gloomy lighting? You'll see it all.
6. The D.I.Y bride. The one I've been waiting to talk about.
D.I.Y brides usually have everything figured out, and will probably be taking care of most of it herself. She may be proficient with power tools, and isn't scared to get her hands dirty. D.I.Y brides are certainly one of a kind.
However, D.I.Y brides think they can handle any task, and that's where trouble arises. I've met many D.I.Y (or Pinterest brides if you have an aversion to the term) who think that they can do everything themselves, including chocolate covered Oreos (if that's what they've chosen.) To them, it seems as simple as melting some candy melts, covering an Oreo, and presto! You're done.
Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Candy Melts aren't even chocolate, they're primarily composed of sugar and vegetable fats. Not to mention that their primary function is decoration. When I make my sweets, I use actual chocolate, bought from a wholesaler, and specially flavored. I make every gourmet flavor by hand, including espresso and turtle crunch, for example. The process is laborious and not easy. It's worth it though, when I see a bride and groom's face light up, and I know I've made their day that more special. So if you're one of those D.I.Y brides (and even if you aren't) I highly suggest seeing what I have to offer. You won't regret it.
Here's a great video from our friends at Visionary Video highlighting a small peek at the process.
Your taste buds will thank us
1. The Classic Bride. They value timeless weddings, and are highly partial to the classic white wedding dress and other themes prevalent in classic weddings.
2. The Creative Bride. Throw any pre-conceived notion of what you thought a wedding should look like out the window, because the creative bride will flip that on its head and turn it upside down. Their wedding will most likely be flashy and inventive, even eclectic to some.
3. The Modern Bride. Modern Brides live in the here and now. Cutting edge and sophisticated are perfect words to describe their wedding
4. The Nature Bride. In their eyes, anything that gets them closer to the outdoors is great for their wedding. Earthy tones may be present, and they may even walk around barefoot.
5. The Anti Bride. A distant cousin to the Creative Bride, Anti Brides are determined that their wedding be the complete opposite of what a classic wedding should look like. Black dress, dark colors, gloomy lighting? You'll see it all.
6. The D.I.Y bride. The one I've been waiting to talk about.
D.I.Y brides usually have everything figured out, and will probably be taking care of most of it herself. She may be proficient with power tools, and isn't scared to get her hands dirty. D.I.Y brides are certainly one of a kind.
However, D.I.Y brides think they can handle any task, and that's where trouble arises. I've met many D.I.Y (or Pinterest brides if you have an aversion to the term) who think that they can do everything themselves, including chocolate covered Oreos (if that's what they've chosen.) To them, it seems as simple as melting some candy melts, covering an Oreo, and presto! You're done.
Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Candy Melts aren't even chocolate, they're primarily composed of sugar and vegetable fats. Not to mention that their primary function is decoration. When I make my sweets, I use actual chocolate, bought from a wholesaler, and specially flavored. I make every gourmet flavor by hand, including espresso and turtle crunch, for example. The process is laborious and not easy. It's worth it though, when I see a bride and groom's face light up, and I know I've made their day that more special. So if you're one of those D.I.Y brides (and even if you aren't) I highly suggest seeing what I have to offer. You won't regret it.
Here's a great video from our friends at Visionary Video highlighting a small peek at the process.
Your taste buds will thank us
Friday, April 18, 2014
The Wonderful World of Wedding Shows
Wedding shows are an
invaluable part of my business, both for meeting brides, and the fun and
fellowship it provides. Although it can be hairy at times to make it on
time and get everything set up, it's a priceless experience. I've had
the pleasure to participate in many bridal shows, some here in Indiana,
some out of state.
I always bring samples of my cookies to these shows, and this is where one of the more humorous moments of my bridal show experiences comes in. At first, I cut my cookies in half, and offered those to the public. Within no time, however, they were gone. People were not only snagging several samples for themselves, but for family members as well!
Why do you do it? “What is the purpose of bridal shows?” you may ask. Well, there are a myriad of reasons. Getting your name out there, showing off your product, reactions to new flavors you create, and snagging samples from Cakes by Cathy. Ultimately, it's just plain fun to get out, get dressed up, and have a good time away from all the distractions.
Looking back, I'm grateful for the opportunity to participate in these shows. It allows me to get my name and product out there, I get to have fun, and be with my friends. Being called a Premier Vendor by Indy Wedding Ideas doesn't hurt either. ;)
I always bring samples of my cookies to these shows, and this is where one of the more humorous moments of my bridal show experiences comes in. At first, I cut my cookies in half, and offered those to the public. Within no time, however, they were gone. People were not only snagging several samples for themselves, but for family members as well!
Why do you do it? “What is the purpose of bridal shows?” you may ask. Well, there are a myriad of reasons. Getting your name out there, showing off your product, reactions to new flavors you create, and snagging samples from Cakes by Cathy. Ultimately, it's just plain fun to get out, get dressed up, and have a good time away from all the distractions.
Looking back, I'm grateful for the opportunity to participate in these shows. It allows me to get my name and product out there, I get to have fun, and be with my friends. Being called a Premier Vendor by Indy Wedding Ideas doesn't hurt either. ;)
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Chocolate Trouble
Is the future of
chocolate really in jeopardy? Well as someone who uses chocolate as a
main ingredient in my treats, I have two answers: Possibly, and, I hope
not. So what's with the predictions, and is there any truth to them?
First off, it's important to know that the chocolate industry is huge. Over the last hundred years, it has transformed into an 80 billion a year global industry. However demand for chocolate is slowly overriding supply, and the future looks bleak. Or at least, it did In 2011, three years ago, it was estimated that chocolate would be in severe shortage, accompanying that would be a huge price hike.
Here we are, three years later. A lot of chocolate bars have reduced their size, while staying the same price. Price does seem to be increasing, however so far there is no evidence of the severe shortage that we heard about. Many predict that many producers of chocolate will offer either both, or one of the two: Premium and affordable kinds of chocolate. What caused this price hike?
Chocolate prices are highly unstable, and can be adversely affected by many things. Weather, insects, disease, even political problems in producing countries. In the 2000's, an oversupply of beans caused chocolate prices to drop to $714 a tonne*. However years later, in 2011, fears of cocoa disruption prevailed, and prices spiked to a 32 year high of $3,775 a tonne. A shortage of certified fair trade cocoa farmers can be attributed to this, as well as political instability in the Ivory Coast, where 40% of the worlds cocoa is produced.
As you can see, cocoa production is at somewhat of a standstill. While this can spell problems for those who use it in their businesses, chocolate is such a popular product, that it's not going anywhere anytime soon. While it may take a couple of years for the number of certified chocolate farmers and cocoa production levels to the number they used to be, it will eventually happen. No worries :)
*Metric unit of measurement. 1 tonne is equivalent to 1.10231131 short tons
First off, it's important to know that the chocolate industry is huge. Over the last hundred years, it has transformed into an 80 billion a year global industry. However demand for chocolate is slowly overriding supply, and the future looks bleak. Or at least, it did In 2011, three years ago, it was estimated that chocolate would be in severe shortage, accompanying that would be a huge price hike.
Here we are, three years later. A lot of chocolate bars have reduced their size, while staying the same price. Price does seem to be increasing, however so far there is no evidence of the severe shortage that we heard about. Many predict that many producers of chocolate will offer either both, or one of the two: Premium and affordable kinds of chocolate. What caused this price hike?
Chocolate prices are highly unstable, and can be adversely affected by many things. Weather, insects, disease, even political problems in producing countries. In the 2000's, an oversupply of beans caused chocolate prices to drop to $714 a tonne*. However years later, in 2011, fears of cocoa disruption prevailed, and prices spiked to a 32 year high of $3,775 a tonne. A shortage of certified fair trade cocoa farmers can be attributed to this, as well as political instability in the Ivory Coast, where 40% of the worlds cocoa is produced.
As you can see, cocoa production is at somewhat of a standstill. While this can spell problems for those who use it in their businesses, chocolate is such a popular product, that it's not going anywhere anytime soon. While it may take a couple of years for the number of certified chocolate farmers and cocoa production levels to the number they used to be, it will eventually happen. No worries :)
*Metric unit of measurement. 1 tonne is equivalent to 1.10231131 short tons
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Follow the Multi-Colored Brick Wall
After: It took me 12 hours to paint this wall Credit: Jenna Hollinger Photography |
Before: The bare wall, unpainted |
One of the hardest transitions I've made in my business was transitioning to storefront. Display cabinets had to be ordered, certifications had to be acquired, work needed to be done desperately, and appliances had to be installed. It was a long and tedious road, but it was well worth it.
When I rented the place, it was “as is”. I had to install new flooring, baseboards, a toilet and sink. Walls had to be built. The place needed to be painted, which was fairly time consuming. Also, we had to assemble display cases to show off my products. Hands down, it was one of the most arduous tasks we encountered. After that it seemed to be fairly smooth sailing, but none of us could prepare for the challenge ahead. The refrigerator.
Due to the cost of establishing a brick and mortar shop, I had to buy some appliances second hand. Included was a gargantuan refrigerator. Before I begin, you have to know I'm not exaggerating. The thing was heavy. Stainless steel. Massive. However most irking of all, it stunk. I could never place my finger on it, but the stink needed to be eliminated immediately. We scrubbed, scoured and soaked. By the end, it felt like we had conquered a living, breathing thing. In the end we prevailed, and although ends needed to be tied up, the worst was behind us.
Looking back, it was hard work to get the store in the condition it was, to where it is now. At times, it seemed like it would never be completed. It's done now, and I'm thankful for that. Hard work always pays off, but there's one thing I've learned through all of this: I'll be happy if I never have to touch another display cabinet in my life.
Credit: Jenna Hollinger Photography |
Friday, March 28, 2014
Tuwanna's Tittilating Tastings
After the basic questions, I then assemble several different flavors for a tasting. I can match any flavor with the flavor of their wedding cake, except Red Velvet (I'm still working on that). I can add embellishments to match many different themes. Ultimately, the goal is to create a flavor that both complements the wedding and is pleasing to the pallet.
Although some of these questions may seem insignificant, they all come together to present the couple with something they'll love. Nothing is more important to me than making sure the people involved are satisfied. Once everything is completed, it's up to me to assemble a tasty treat.
While it can be time consuming, and even frustrating to get the finished product just right, it's undeniably worth it. Nothing beats having a bride and groom thrilled with my work. It's also exciting and heartwarming to know that I helped make their special day all the more special.
Friday, March 21, 2014
The History of Chocolate
Chocolate is a key
ingredient in many beverages and foods, from chocolate milkshakes, candy
bars, hot chocolate, and chocolate chip cookies, to the chocolate
covered Oreos I make. Chocolate has an amazing history, as well as a
myriad of benefits.
Evidence of chocolate beverages dates as far back as 1900 BC. However after it's arrival in Spain in the 16th century, sugar was added to it, whereupon it became immensely popular. In the 20th century, chocolate was a staple, immensely popular with soldiers at war.
To harvest cocoa, and therefore make chocolate, one must locate cocoa trees that grow in the wet lowland tropics of Central and South America, West Africa and Southeast Asia. Once harvested, the football sized pods must be split open. Often, they contain up to fifty beans. They must then be fermented, and cooked under heat. Periodically, workers come along to stir them and ensure they are cooked evenly. Finally, they are dried and sent to a factory, where they are roasted and turned into chocolate liquor, where milk and sugar is added to create delicious chocolate.
Chocolate has many benefits that many are not aware of. Did you know that:
1. Each coca tree produces roughly 400-800 bars of chocolate a year?
2. Dark chocolate has the largest quantity of cocoa solids – at least 70%?
3. Candy eaters live almost a year longer than those who don't eat chocolate?
4. The creator of the Nestle Tollhouse cookie struck a deal with Nestle when her cookies first came out? She would sell them the rights for her cookies in exchange for a lifetime supply of chocolate.
5. Dark chocolate contains many more anti-oxidants than red wine?
As you can see, chocolate is fascinating. Not only is a time-consuming and grueling process to make it, but it also has many health benefits people overlook. Who would have though that a bitter drink in 1900 BC would turn into the sweet treat we all know and love today?
Evidence of chocolate beverages dates as far back as 1900 BC. However after it's arrival in Spain in the 16th century, sugar was added to it, whereupon it became immensely popular. In the 20th century, chocolate was a staple, immensely popular with soldiers at war.
To harvest cocoa, and therefore make chocolate, one must locate cocoa trees that grow in the wet lowland tropics of Central and South America, West Africa and Southeast Asia. Once harvested, the football sized pods must be split open. Often, they contain up to fifty beans. They must then be fermented, and cooked under heat. Periodically, workers come along to stir them and ensure they are cooked evenly. Finally, they are dried and sent to a factory, where they are roasted and turned into chocolate liquor, where milk and sugar is added to create delicious chocolate.
Chocolate has many benefits that many are not aware of. Did you know that:
1. Each coca tree produces roughly 400-800 bars of chocolate a year?
2. Dark chocolate has the largest quantity of cocoa solids – at least 70%?
3. Candy eaters live almost a year longer than those who don't eat chocolate?
4. The creator of the Nestle Tollhouse cookie struck a deal with Nestle when her cookies first came out? She would sell them the rights for her cookies in exchange for a lifetime supply of chocolate.
5. Dark chocolate contains many more anti-oxidants than red wine?
As you can see, chocolate is fascinating. Not only is a time-consuming and grueling process to make it, but it also has many health benefits people overlook. Who would have though that a bitter drink in 1900 BC would turn into the sweet treat we all know and love today?
Friday, March 14, 2014
The World's Favorite Cookie
The Oreo has an illustrious
history, from it's humble beginnings in a New York baker in 1912, to the
world's favorite cookie, being sold in more than 100 countries. In
fact, the Oreo is so popular that it even has a street named after it!
However, as popular as these delicious cookies are, no one is sure where
it's name came from. Perhaps it derives from the French word for gold,
the original packaging color. When the Oreo first came out, it came in
two flavors: Original, and Lemon Meringue. Original was far more
popular, and Lemon Meringue was soon discontinued. There have been many
variations since, some only available in certain countries.
1. Big Stuf Oreo. This cookie was several times as large as a regular Oreo, even larger than the double and mega stuf we have today. Unfortunately, it has since been discontinued
2. Green Tea. This cookie is only available in China 3.
Strawberry milkshake. This delicious cookie is available in Canada, and for limited times in the U.S
4. Chocolate and Dulce de leche Oreo, sold in Chile and Argentina.
And many others. The process to make these delicious treats is high on resources, in fact an estimated 18 million pounds of cocoa and 47 million pounds of cream are needed to make an annual batch! If there was ever any doubt that these cookies are immensely popular, here is a mind-boggling fact.
381. That’s the approximate number of times all the Oreos ever made could circle the Earth along the equator. If you prefer to stack them, they could reach the moon and back 5 times. 450 billion cookies have been sold since their conception. 71% cookie and 29% cream is the original ratio of these cookies.
As you can see, the Oreo has a long history, (close to 102 years) and has proven itself to be one of the most popular cookies in America, and perhaps the entire world. Whether you twist it, lick it, crunch it, or dunk it, the Oreo is a treat we can all enjoy.
1. Big Stuf Oreo. This cookie was several times as large as a regular Oreo, even larger than the double and mega stuf we have today. Unfortunately, it has since been discontinued
2. Green Tea. This cookie is only available in China 3.
Strawberry milkshake. This delicious cookie is available in Canada, and for limited times in the U.S
4. Chocolate and Dulce de leche Oreo, sold in Chile and Argentina.
And many others. The process to make these delicious treats is high on resources, in fact an estimated 18 million pounds of cocoa and 47 million pounds of cream are needed to make an annual batch! If there was ever any doubt that these cookies are immensely popular, here is a mind-boggling fact.
381. That’s the approximate number of times all the Oreos ever made could circle the Earth along the equator. If you prefer to stack them, they could reach the moon and back 5 times. 450 billion cookies have been sold since their conception. 71% cookie and 29% cream is the original ratio of these cookies.
As you can see, the Oreo has a long history, (close to 102 years) and has proven itself to be one of the most popular cookies in America, and perhaps the entire world. Whether you twist it, lick it, crunch it, or dunk it, the Oreo is a treat we can all enjoy.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Almighty Flavor Contest
As some of you may or may
not know, Louise's Sweets is having a contest where you can create your
own flavor. Not only do you have the satisfaction of getting your
creative juices flowing, but you also get a dozen cookies, once a month,
for three months!
Imagine a flavor you've always wanted, coming to life. Simply click on the link at the bottom of this page, and submit your flavor (along with three optional ingredients.) Voting starts this Monday, and your flavor could be one of three chosen!
However, picking only three flavors has proven to be a challenge. I have to make sure ingredients are readily available for the flavors I do pick, and then I have to meticulously taste test each one to make sure it's up to my standards. Probably the most rewarding part will be when the winners come to my store to pick up the flavor they envisioned.
There are many reasons to run a contest, and just as many to enter. The thrill of winning free stuff, the bragging rights of knowing your flavor was chosen, the anticipation as you wonder what flavors were chosen, the feeling when the dust settles and you see the three finalists...... Well, maybe I'm being dramatic.
Contestants are able to submit as many different flavors as they want, so if there are a lot of ideas bouncing around in your head, let them all out. Maybe you'll come up with something sweet and simple, or wacky and far out. I love seeing all your great ideas! Make sure to read the contest rules carefully, and while you're at it, if you haven't already, give my page a like! I've seen a lot of great entries so far, and I look forward to seeing more.
Facebook Page:
Contest link:
Imagine a flavor you've always wanted, coming to life. Simply click on the link at the bottom of this page, and submit your flavor (along with three optional ingredients.) Voting starts this Monday, and your flavor could be one of three chosen!
However, picking only three flavors has proven to be a challenge. I have to make sure ingredients are readily available for the flavors I do pick, and then I have to meticulously taste test each one to make sure it's up to my standards. Probably the most rewarding part will be when the winners come to my store to pick up the flavor they envisioned.
There are many reasons to run a contest, and just as many to enter. The thrill of winning free stuff, the bragging rights of knowing your flavor was chosen, the anticipation as you wonder what flavors were chosen, the feeling when the dust settles and you see the three finalists...... Well, maybe I'm being dramatic.
Contestants are able to submit as many different flavors as they want, so if there are a lot of ideas bouncing around in your head, let them all out. Maybe you'll come up with something sweet and simple, or wacky and far out. I love seeing all your great ideas! Make sure to read the contest rules carefully, and while you're at it, if you haven't already, give my page a like! I've seen a lot of great entries so far, and I look forward to seeing more.
Facebook Page:
Contest link:
Thursday, February 27, 2014
My Gourmet-Flavored Journey
My daughter has never cared
for birthday cake, so it was necessary for me to find an alternative. At
first, we tried jumbo chocolate chip cookies, but there was no fun in
that. On her fifteenth birthday, it hit me. Chocolate covered Oreos! I
made her some pink and purple chocolate dipped cookies to bring in to
school, and she distributed them to the dean and other staff.
Later that day, I received a call from the dean. Naturally, I assumed we were in trouble. However, he instead announced that he loved them and wanted to buy them for a fundraiser. Working full time, I had to scramble to get insured and licensed by the board of health. Thankfully, it was a huge success, and I sold over 200 cookies on Valentines Day, and over 300 on St. Patrick's day.
Ironically, Louise's Sweets was never supposed to be a business. After paying for my board of health license and insurance, I decided to keep them making them. When I noticed that others were making them, I added my own twist, and started making them with gourmet flavors and embellishments in order to personalize them.
Coming up with new flavors and ideas is so fun to me. In time, I officially opened my business online. Eventually, I had more time on my hands and made the plunge to open my storefront. It's crazy for me to look back and see where I am now, considering it never entered my mind to make this a business.
Even though I never planned to make this a business, I wouldn't have it any other way. It is so rewarding when someone tells me how much they love my cookies, or when I come up with a new flavor I never thought of. It was a long process to get where I am, and it can be difficult and tiring, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Later that day, I received a call from the dean. Naturally, I assumed we were in trouble. However, he instead announced that he loved them and wanted to buy them for a fundraiser. Working full time, I had to scramble to get insured and licensed by the board of health. Thankfully, it was a huge success, and I sold over 200 cookies on Valentines Day, and over 300 on St. Patrick's day.
Ironically, Louise's Sweets was never supposed to be a business. After paying for my board of health license and insurance, I decided to keep them making them. When I noticed that others were making them, I added my own twist, and started making them with gourmet flavors and embellishments in order to personalize them.
Coming up with new flavors and ideas is so fun to me. In time, I officially opened my business online. Eventually, I had more time on my hands and made the plunge to open my storefront. It's crazy for me to look back and see where I am now, considering it never entered my mind to make this a business.
Even though I never planned to make this a business, I wouldn't have it any other way. It is so rewarding when someone tells me how much they love my cookies, or when I come up with a new flavor I never thought of. It was a long process to get where I am, and it can be difficult and tiring, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
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